About Us

The Pretty Big Pollinator Project is an effort by Green Mountain Area Homeschoolers to increase awareness of the importance of pollinators like butterflies, bees, bats, birds, and bugs. Through a series of activities, we hope to engage people in our community and beyond by providing education and resources and encouraging native plantings for better habitat.

Since 2014, Green Mountain Area Homeschoolers have used the service-learning template provided by the Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots and Shoots program to address local environmental issues. Each year, our families choose a problem we would like to work on. In the past, our projects have included picking up trash, planting wildflowers, raising awareness for birds, and water conservation. During four of those years, we were honored to receive Lakewood, Colorado’s Youth Defender of the Planet Sustainability Award for environmental conservation.

Submitted by Wyatt


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