Guest Speaker: Sue Rieck by Nicholas

Honey Bees hanging around Sue Rieck’s hive.

As we continue to learn about pollinators, we invited local beekeeper Sue Rieck to be a guest speaker at one of our online meetings. Sue talked to us about honey bee biology.

The bees collect pollen in their pollen baskets on their hind legs for protein but also collect nectar by their proboscis (tongue) for carbohydrates which they store in their honey stomachs to transport to the hives. Different honeycomb cells hold storage for water, pollen or nectar.  The nectar is then turned to honey by adding enzymes and reducing the moisture content which the workers cap over with wax for storage.

Sue also told us about how bees need water. “Bees need water, just like us,” said Sue. How bees get water is different. They get water almost like zebras in the savannah. They need a place to stand to lick up water! To help them find water you can build a place for the bees to stand on the water, like a cork, for the bees to stand on, to lap up the water. Bees can easily drown while trying to get water. You can find how to make a water source for bees on our website.

It was a fascinating interview. We learned so much about bees and how they collect pollen that becomes nectar, and later honey.

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