Here’s a quick ab workout designed for maximum benefits in a minimum amount of time. 3 Minute Abs with 3 Basic Moves works your abdominals in all planes of movement and targets your obliques, transverse abdominals, and rectus abdominis. Read this basic tutorial and then do the video at the bottom of this post.
Move #1: Side and Forearm Plank

- Bottom elbow is directly under the shoulder.
- Shoulder, hip, and knee are in a straight line.
- To modify, drop the bottom knee to the floor (shown in video below).
- Place hand lightly behind head.
- Twist and bring top elbow towards bottom elbow.
- Finish with a forearm plank.
Move #2: Supine V-Out

- Start with arms and legs straight up.
- Lower arms and legs out while keeping abdominals engaged.
- To modify, lower opposite arm and leg (shown in video below).
Move #3: Crunch to Hip Lift

- Start with a basic crunch.
- Add a hip lift.
- Finish with hip lift only. Focus on engaging the lower portions of your abdominal muscles.
- Modify by placing hands on floor near hips to assist (as shown in video below).
3 Minute Abs with 3 Basic Moves
Done! A quick and comprehensive ab workout… of course, you’re welcome repeat the sequence multiple times. 🙂
Stay fit!

Want another quick workout? Try my One-Minute Planks at Taylor River.
The information presented on this website is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or an assessment by other wellness professionals. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.