join our community

Discover improved function, performance, and well-being in the company of good people.

What Our Members Say

I have participated in Sarah’s classes for years.  Not only is she a competent, skilled instructor–very personable–but she has mastered teaching online as well as in person. Her fitness program covers all aspects of physical health from balance to weight training to posture to flexibility.

— Bobbi S.

I am addicted to your exercise classes. I am a much happier, better person when I get to do them! 

— Nancy B.

Sarah has helped me deal with lower back, hamstring, hip flexor and core issues. I also now realize I can benefit from the balance exercises. I am sure my issues stem from many years of bicycling. However, my one consolation – never too late. Thank you!!

— Tom M.

We enjoy these classes very much. They’re well instructed and have a nice variety of exercises. We’re very satisfied.

— Joan and Joey G.

green mountain pilates

What we do…

Our program is built on consistency. Because fitness isn’t a 30-day undertaking. It’s a lifelong commitment to wellness.

We make this commitment a whole lot easier with smart workouts and good people.

SMART WORKOUTS: While we consistently use the principles of Pilates and barefoot strengthening, our focus is always changing. Every week, I keep things fresh by highlighting a different muscle group, movement pattern, or technique.

GOOD PEOPLE: When you join Green Mountain Pilates, you become part of our community. If you have time to visit before or after class, you might meet someone’s dog, get a garden tour, or even get a glimpse of the sunrise in a different state.

— membership

Join our community…

We meet every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 6 a.m. MT for a 40-minute workout. Just roll out of bed and join us remotely. No equipment needed on Tuesdays. And just some free weights (dumb bells) on Thursday.

Need a different time slot? Simply access the class recordings in our library of more than 200 workouts. New classes added each week.


On-Demand Membership

workouts to fit your busy schedule

Full access to our library of more than 200 Pilates-based workouts, with new classes added each week.

$15/month or $160/year


Premium Membership

Start your day with us on tuesdays and thursdays

While our fitness focus changes weekly, you can always count on a fun and welcoming group. Premium membership includes full access to our workout library of more than 200 classes.

$40/month or $430/year


Please let me know if you have any

questions about membership.

About me…

As a fitness instructor since 1984 and a physical therapist since 1995, I advocate for lifelong fitness through smart workouts, community, and a whole lot of outdoor time.

I enjoy helping people achieve consistency, knowledge, and improved function, no matter where they are in their fitness journey – starting out, starting over, or just looking for a better way to get and stay fit.

What you can expect in my workouts:

  • Education on what muscles you’re working and why.
  • Modifications to increase or decrease the intensity and challenge.
  • Exercises that encourage balanced strength between opposing muscle groups for improved function, posture, balance, and performance.