Take a moment to consider your feet. They are your foundation. If you’re the Statue of Liberty, they’re your Ellis Island. If you’re a race car, they’re your tires. It doesn’t matter how great your statue looks if your platform is unstable. And it doesn’t matter if your engine is top of the line when your tires are out of balance and alignment.
Want to learn more about barefoot training? Read below.
Intro to Pilates Reformer Training
I’ve recently added Pilates Reformer classes at the Southwest Denver YMCA to my teaching sched…
Three for the Lower Leg
Our workouts tend to focus on the muscles above the knee, with moves like squats, lunges, and deadli…
Rethink the Way You Squat
Take a look at how you do a squat. Do you reach forward, hold a weight in front of your chest, or ha…
Barefoot Knee Drive
This video is an excerpt from the warmup for one of my weekly Barefoot Training Classes. The slowed …
Practice Your Landings for Better Balance and Reaction Times
If you’re an airline pilot, you know that takeoffs are a lot easier than landings. The same ca…
Three Steps to Better Foot Alignment
Your feet, knees, and hips will be healthier and happier when your feet are aligned well. I’ve…
Standing Foot and Ankle Stretch
This standing foot and ankle stretch takes your foot and ankle through full range of motion. YouR…
Post-Workout Barefoot Stretch and Massage
Once you’re done working out, it’s time to stretch and relax. And what better way to do …
Dynamic Foot Warmup
Whether you’re walking, running, or lifting weights, you can benefit from a dynamic foot warmu…
Barefoot Glute Activation
The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body. Its function includes keeping us upright and …
Quick Check for Foot Alignment
With your feet properly aligned, you set yourself up for better mechanics at the knee and hip. This …
Why You Should Try Barefoot Weight Lifting
Barefoot weight lifting, when done correctly, can be an excellent technique to strengthen the muscle…
Stronger Feet: Foot Doming in Three Steps
Foot doming is a great exercise for feet that tend to pronate or collapse inward at the arch. Done c…
One Move for a Whole Body Warmup (and Better Posture)
Once you make the decision to work out, you may be tempted to skip your warmup and jump right into t…
Barefoot Warmup for the Calf and Ankle
Today I’m sharing a clip from this week’s Tuesday morning class with a barefoot warmup f…
8-Minute Barefoot Standing Flow Stretch
Take off your shoes and try this 8-Minute Barefoot Standing Flow Stretch. We’ll focus on align…
Barefoot Single Leg Deadlifts
Your gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body, and rightly so. It gets you from sitting to …
45-Minute Barefoot Workout
Here’s a free 45-Minute Barefoot Workout for you. No equipment needed – just your bare f…
Foot Prep for Better Balance Work
Ever tried to get a teenager to mow the lawn first thing in the morning? The results are usually poo…
Foot Arch Strengthening and Relaxation with a Ball
Many of us are weak in the muscles that lay deep in the arches of our feet. It’s one cause of …
(Almost) Perfect Squats and Lunges
It’s no secret that better form gives you better results. When your joints and muscles are ali…
How Strong Feet Help You
We spend a whole lot of time working the muscles around our hips and knees with lunges, squats, dead…
How to Reboot/Refresh Your Feet
A good amount of your workout ‘why’ might be to combat the effects of an otherwise seden…
How to Get Your Glutes in Gear
You use your glutes all day long every day. Every time you sit down, stand up, walk, and go up or do…
Four Foot Exercises To Do Before You Work Out
If you tend to over-pronate or collapse down through the arch of the foot, here are four foot exerci…
No Equipment Barefoot Calf Exercises
Your calf muscles help you balance and they help propel you forward. They support your foot and ankl…
Barefoot with Basic Squats
Go barefoot with basic squats and get even more out of this super functional exercise. Take off your…
Foot Strengthening
Foot strengthening can be done at any point in your day to increase your balance, strength, and prop…
Self-Assessment of Foot and Ankle Mobility
It’s chilly today. A fall day with gray skies, mist, and drizzle. As the weather cools down, o…
What Feet Do All Day
Have you ever wondered what feet do all day? No? Maybe you should. Feet are pretty amazing and compl…
Foot Fitness: Optimize Function
I’ve posted before about foot fitness and I can promise I’ll do it again. Feet are so im…
Morning Foot Massage
This is a wonderful way to start your morning. Wake your feet up in the best way possible with this …
Barefoot and Plank Workout
Join me for a 30-minute workout on my patio – 20 minutes of barefoot cardio focusing on squats…
After a Workout (or a Long Day)
This series of stretches is a favorite of mine at the end of the day or post-workout. If you’r…
The Basic Squat
The basic squat is a functional exercise, meaning it’s a real-life activity. You perform this …
Foot Massage
Our feet are pretty darn neglected, considering everything they do. We might buy them good shoes and…
Foot Exercises
What if you could run faster, jump higher, and increase your endurance, all while helping to decreas…