The 4th of July seems a fitting time to celebrate independent homeschool families. Homeschooling in any form takes independence and responsibility. The more independence you seek as a homeschooler, the more responsibility you shoulder. At their most autonomous, independent homeschool families choose all their own curriculum, do all their own planning, and (yikes!) take full responsibility for their child’s education.

I independently homeschool. Do I think it’s the only way to go? No, of course not. Many homeschool families participate in various options programs and online learning with great results. They work hard to create a perfect blend of home and outside resources. Their children are able to learn from several adults, rather than just one.

I joke that there’s no gray area for who’s to blame if my children don’t do well. It’s all on me. But that’s how I operate best. I’m an all-or-nothing type of person with an ‘I can do it myself’ attitude. So, here we are… 14 years in and still going strong.

Recognition of how you operate best will help you succeed as a homeschooler. Once you do this, you can make the best choices for your family to learn and grow together. There are tons of resources to help you on your journey.

Homeschooling is an important source of non-traditional perspectives for instruction and learning. Just look at how many homeschool books and blogs and articles and podcasts and videos are available with ideas on how you can help children learn. It’s worth celebrating.

No matter your level of autonomy, I encourage you to celebrate the independent spirit of homeschoolers.

 Independents keep the work of our nation’s homeschool pioneers alive and well.

North Star Independent Homeschoolers

Happy 4th!