The ‘Connect with Corvids’ art display is the first community outreach for Green Mountain Area Homeschoolers’ 2023 service-learning project. On display at Belmar Library, it documents how our students chose this project and why it’s important to them.

The art display includes the six types of Corvids that live in Lakewood, Colorado:
- American Crows
- Common Ravens
- Blue Jays
- Steller’s Jays
- Magpies
- Woodhouse’s Scrub Jays
Our students hope that our community will gain an appreciation for these highly intelligent and easily identifiable birds. They want everyone to ‘Connect with Corvids’ because they know that the more connected people are to our environment, the more likely they are to care for it.

If you’re local, stop by the children’s section at Belmar Library and enjoy our ‘Connect with Corvids’ art display in person. And keep an eye out for two of my favorite corvid renditions – one with a jetpack and another with an umbrella drink.

Learn more about our group’s 10 years of service-learning project with the Jane Goodall Institute here: