Have you heard the term exercise snack? It’s exactly what it sounds like. Small ‘fun-sized’ portions of exercise. Whether they’re your only source of exercise or you use them to supplement your regular workouts, they’re a great way to get moving during your day. Here’s a two-minute transverse ab workout to get you started:

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This two-minute transverse ab workout focuses on the deep muscles of the abdominal wall, the transverse abdominals. These abdominal muscles play a big role in core strength, stabilizing the pelvis and spine. While the more superficial muscles like your obliques and rectus abdominis help you turn and flex forward, the transverse abs are the endurance muscles that keep everything together as you stand, walk, and move through your day. (They’re also a key muscle to target if you’re working for a flatter belly.)

Keep ‘snacking’ and stay fit!

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Ab Work in Pursuit of a Flat Belly