There’s no doubt about it. The human body is pretty amazing. And complex. On this page, you can choose a specific area of learning below or skip down to explore some of my favorite topics in fitness.
Rotation Exercise for Hip Strength and Stability
Exercises for the hips usually focus on the big movements, especially flexion and extension with squ…
One Exercise for Better Pushups and Posture
Pushups and planks deliver efficient workout results. With these exercises, you can key in on the pe…
Use This Pilates Technique for Shoulder Health
No matter how strong you are, your shoulders are delicate pieces of machinery. They’re incredi…
Rethink the Way You Squat
Take a look at how you do a squat. Do you reach forward, hold a weight in front of your chest, or ha…
Weighted Stretches for Tight Hips
We tend to think of exercise and stretching as two distinctly different activities. And for most of …
Neck Health: Strengthening the Upper Trapezius
If you’ve ever had neck pain, you’re not alone. According to the Cleveland Clinic, about…
Refresh: Hold Your Head Up
We’re taking inspiration from some rock ‘n roll classics this fall. In our September Refresh o…
Exercise Snack: Two-Minute Standing Glute Workout
Here’s another exercise snack, a small bit of exercise to break up your day and get you moving…
Three Alternatives to the Curtsy Lunge
The curtsy lunge can be a problematic exercise due to stress and torque at the hip and knee joints. …
Foot Prep for Better Balance Work
Ever tried to get a teenager to mow the lawn first thing in the morning? The results are usually poo…
Standing Flow Stretch
Take a break with this Standing Flow Stretch. In eight minutes, you’ll release tension while g…
What I Do Tue/Thu Mornings
I know you’ve been wondering. In fact, it’s probably been keeping you awake at night. We…
Why You Need to Strengthen Your Wrists
Are you mindful of your wrists when you work out? Chances are, you don’t focus on them unless …
Tips to Fine Tune Your Hips
Strong and healthy hips have a positive impact on your alignment and performance. Use these tips to …
Do You Have Dormant Butt Syndrome?
The largest muscle in your body can be a big-time slacker. Sure, the gluteus maximus keeps you uprig…
Two Moves for More Balanced Muscle Strength
When we work out – no matter the activity – our attention is nearly always forward. We w…
Combat Rounded Shoulders for Better Workouts and Posture
The majority of our daily attention and action is to the front. We work at desks or have jobs that r…
How to Get Your Glutes in Gear
You use your glutes all day long every day. Every time you sit down, stand up, walk, and go up or do…
Tempo and Interval Work for Form and Strength
There are many different types of tempo and interval workouts. Each touts benefits – from gain…
No Equipment Barefoot Calf Exercises
Your calf muscles help you balance and they help propel you forward. They support your foot and ankl…
Why You Need Strong Calves
Your calves provide a key link between your feet on the ground and your body above. They constantly …
Stretch and Activate Your Intercostal Muscles for Better Breathing
There are plenty of reasons to try and improve your breathing – among other benefits, you̵…
Bicep Strengthening in Simple Terms
It’s easy to find lists of exercises for bicep strengthening – bicep curls, hammer curls…
What You Need to Know about Biceps, Triceps, and Posture
When we think of bicep and tricep work, we usually focus on elbow motion with bicep curls and tricep…
Keep Your Shoulders Healthy with Oppositional Strength Training
Your shoulders are the most mobile joint in your body. They allow you to reach, flex, extend, rotate…
Your Best Shoulder Position for Strength Training
When you start a set of shoulder exercises with weights, do you pull your shoulders back? It’s…
How to Achieve Hamstring Length and Strength
Prolonged sitting can adversely affect your hips and back, particularly once you’re up and mov…
Why You Need to Do Romanian Deadlifts
The Romanian Deadlift is an excellent exercise to strengthen your hamstrings, along with several oth…
Improve Knee Health with Strong Hamstrings
Much of your knee stability is due to the opposing muscle groups of the quadriceps in front and the …
What Exact Movement Lengthens the Spine?
I commonly use the phrase, “lengthen through your spine” to cue better posture and movem…
Two Overlooked Muscles to Strengthen
If you’re like many, you don’t think too much about your shoulder blades, also called sc…
When You Wave and Your Triceps do Too
I’m pretty sure the majority of people would like their arms to look nicer. Stronger. More scu…
One Simple Method to Increase Your Leg Strength
Change up your workout today and make functional gains with one simple method to increase your leg s…
4 Minute Stretch by a Snowy River
I’ve talked about the importance of getting outside, even in the winter. However, I realize th…
Use Free Weights for a Balanced Fitness Program
Do you use free weights for a balanced fitness program? (And yes, you do have a fitness program. It&…
The Best Squat for You
I’m not suggesting that you don’t know squat(s). But have you put much thought into how …
Barefoot with Basic Squats
Go barefoot with basic squats and get even more out of this super functional exercise. Take off your…
Test Your Flexibility for Symmetry
Test your flexibility for symmetry and you just might find some imbalances that are… well, thr…
How to Relax into Better Posture
If you learn how to relax into better posture, you can begin to positively change it. This sounds co…
Three Fundamentals of Balance Training
There are three fundamentals of balance training – three ways to achieve better balance and im…
Balance Training for Improved Performance
Many of us naturally change up our workouts as we move from one season to the next. As summer gives …
Plank – Up on Your Hands
I’ve been spending a lot of time doing a plank on my elbows with my palms up to work on my cor…
Planks: Forearms versus Hands
Before you do your next plank, think about how you’ll do it and why. Will you be down on your …
Upper Body Workout – 18 Minutes
This workout efficiently targets your arms, shoulders, chest, back, and core in a series of 10 exerc…
Core: Side Drops
This is a great exercise to target the obliques. Beginners should keep the movement small, gradually…
The Basic Squat
The basic squat is a functional exercise, meaning it’s a real-life activity. You perform this …
Kneeling Stretches
Stretch out your trunk and hips with this: This video is intended to provide an overview only of a f…
Core: Bridge with Knee Extension
The bridge is a great position for activating the glutes and stretching the hip flexors. Adding alte…