Tuesday was our last day of school and, as always, I tried to end things on a positive note.  I wanted the kids to feel as though they were finishing strong, in spite of the many changes they’ve faced due to coronavirus this spring.

Here are my three tips for a happy ending:

  • Complete all work.
  • Hold a progress report meeting with each student.
  • Do something fun.

Completion: Get to whatever you determine is the end point for any projects, books, chapters, assignments, etc. by the last day of school.

Progress Reports: You can read more about the yearly evaluations I do in this post.  These assessments are totally worth the work.  I cover academic accomplishments, but also recognize gains in areas such as independent learning, adaptability, patience, etc. 

Something Fun: This can be anything big or small, from a weekend away to a special dessert.  For us this year, it was a simple late afternoon family outing up into the mountains.

I can’t tell you how nice it was up there.  While my husband and boys fished, I hiked nearby.  It was quiet and quite beautiful.  Although there’s still plenty of snow at higher elevations, I saw only a few remaining patches in deep shaded gullies. The aspen were even starting to leaf out. A few deer made appearances and, weirdly, a couple of Great Blue Herons perched on the tops of pine trees.  

Hard to see, but that blob at the top of the center pine tree is a Great Blue Heron.

I know – a photo isn’t that great if you have to explain it. 🙂

As the sun began to go down, I returned to hang out with my fishermen.  It was good to finish our school year in such a nice way – schoolwork done, accomplishments recognized, and the end capped off with some time together in the mountains…  along with a little alone time just for me.