Many of us are weak in the muscles that lay deep in the arches of our feet. It’s one cause of pain and decreased function, either in the foot or up above in the hip or knee. Foot arch strengthening and relaxation with a ball can help you avoid these issues.
You might wonder why the arches of your feet even have the ability to sag and flatten. At first glance, it seems as though a more rigid arch would keep everything in better alignment. However, your body relies on the flexibility of your arches to move in and out of a neutral position when you’re standing and moving.
Read on to understand more about how the foot works. Or, skip down to the video below to get right to foot arch strengthening and relaxation with a ball.
Neutral Foot Position
Ideally, your foot should be in a neutral position in standing. This means your ankles shouldn’t be rolled in or out and the Achilles tendon should be perpendicular to the ground when viewed from behind. There should be even weight bearing across the forefoot, from the base of the big toe all the way over to the base of the little toe. And your arch should curve away from the floor.
When you walk, run, or move in any direction using your feet, your arch flattens somewhat as it absorbs shock and also provides tension to propel you forward. Without this, moving might very well feel like riding in a car without suspension.
All of us have different arch heights. Don’t get too hung up on how much space there is between your arch and the floor. In fact, there may not be any. Even if you don’t see a bunch of ground clearance under your arch, you can still get those muscles to work.
Strengthening the arch will help your foot work the way it’s supposed to. A little bit of stretching beforehand will help you better activate the muscles. And a little bit of foot massage afterward will stimulate blood flow and make your feet (and you) feel pretty good.
This video takes you through gentle stretching and strengthening. It is not intended for people who are experiencing foot pain/issues – please seek advice from a medical or health professional as needed.
Stay fit!

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The information in this article and accompanying video is provided for education only and is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or an assessment by other wellness professionals.