Neck tightness and pain are common complaints. While it’s helpful to address the source of the tightness, gentle neck stretches for tight upper traps can give you substantial relief right now. Below are two stretches for you to try. I find them to be the most relaxing of all neck self-stretches.

General Guidelines

  • Maintain good upright sitting posture with these stretches.
  • Move slowly in and out of the stretch positions. Avoid quick movements.
  • Go for a nice easy stretch with a duration of 20 – 30 seconds.

Your overall goal with these stretches is to get the muscles to lengthen and relax. Be slow and purposeful, not quick and aggressive.

What to Stretch

Many muscles surround your neck and any of them can contribute to tightness and pain. However, two of the most likely culprits are the upper trapezius muscle and the levator scapulae. Their tightness can be due to:

  • Poor postural habits
  • Improper workout techniques and form
  • An instense workout (even with good mechanics, you can get tight)
  • Injury
  • Stress (many of us tend to ‘carry’ stress in our shoulders by hunching them up slightly)

Here are my favorite ways to gently stretch these two muscles:

For access to more videos like this, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Stay fit!

Another post on stretching you might enjoy:

8-Minute Standing Flow Stretch

The information on this video and linked accounts is provided for education only and is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or an assessment by other wellness professionals.