Winter brings shorter days and colder weather for most of us. Do you respond by bundling up and moving inside? I’m right there with you. It takes some mental fortitude for me to adjust and remember that yes, I do want to get outside, even in the winter. So do you… I hope.
We’re all familiar with the health benefits associated with outside time. We’re told that if we get outside, we’ll decrease our stress, strengthen our immunity, sharpen our focus, and more. Health benefits aren’t always the best motivator though. Components of a healthy lifestyle have an annoying tendency to be a) not enjoyable and/or b) hard.
Getting outside in the winter can be both fun and easy, even if you’re not a fan of cold weather. Give it a try. Put on however many clothes you need, get out there, and take a look.
You can find so much beauty in a barren winter landscape. Whether it’s sunny and warm or gray and bitter cold, you’re going to connect with the world beyond your home and all the indoor places you go. Granted, you may be going less places now because of Covid. But that’s all the more reason to get outside.
Okay, so maybe you’re still not thrilled with being out there in the cold. Do you need a different destination or more layers next time? Stick with it. Maybe you won’t start to love it as much as your summer outside time. However, it’s one of those healthy habits that sort of sneaks up on you. One day, you might find you actually look forward to getting outside in the winter.
p.s. Having a hard time getting off that comfy warm couch? My post “Get on Your Feet America” provides fitness-related tips to combat all the sitting we do.