For those of you who are serious about chocolate, I offer up this recipe for no-bake gluten-free chocolate truffle pie. It’s a cool and creamy chocolate splurge complemented with an easy graham cracker crust. The recipe makes a 9″ diameter pie that’s best if allowed to chill in the refrigerator for 3 – 4 hours or overnight before serving.

I have a gluten-free graham cracker recipe that I’ll be sharing in a future post but since it’s been super hot this week, I’m trying to minimize my time in the kitchen. So store-bought graham crackers it is.

Gluten-free graham crackers
Both Pamela’s and Schar gluten-free graham crackers are good.

I’ve used both Pamela’s and Schar’s gluten-free graham crackers for this gluten-free chocolate truffle pie with good results. Pamela’s brand box is slightly larger, so you may be able to snitch a few graham crackers to eat while you’re making the crust.

Crust Ingredients:

  • One box of gluten-free graham crackers (Schar is 5.6 oz. and Pamela’s is 7.5 oz. As noted above, you can eat a few of the Pamela’s and still have enough.)
  • 4 T butter, melted

Put graham crackers in a plastic bag and use a rolling pin or a can (like a can of tomatoes) to crush into uniform crumbs. If using a whole box of Schar, you’ll end up with a little less than 2 cups of crushed graham crackers which is perfect.

Mix crushed graham crackers and melted butter together. Press into pie dish.

Gluten-free graham cracker pie crust

Filling Ingredients:

  • 2 C chocolate chips (12 ounces) I prefer dark chocolate.
  • 1 ½ C heavy cream

Put ¾ C of the heavy cream and all the chocolate chips in a bowl. Microwave for 30-second intervals, taking out to stir thoroughly after each interval. Microwave it for the minimum amount of time required to melt the chocolate chips and get a smooth mixture.

Chocolate and heavy cream for gluten-free chocolate truffle pie
Melted chocolate and heavy cream for gluten-free chocolate truffle pie
If you like to live dangerously, try taking photos of your pie-making process on a tablecloth your mom embroidered.

In a separate bowl, whip the remaining ¾ C of heavy cream until soft peaks form. Slowly fold in (lightly mix by hand with a spoon or spatula) your chocolate mixture, one-third at a time. Gently pour into your prepared pie dish.

I make a fancy top by using one beater on my mixer at super slow speed and move over the very top of the pie in a spiral pattern. Put the pie in the refrigerator for at least a few hours or overnight and allow to set.

Gluten-free chocolate truffle pie with graham cracker crust
After I ate my one slice of pie – ha! (Really, it’s after four pieces… eaten by four different people. Honest.)

By the way, you’ll note that there’s no added sugar in the crust or the filling. Just something to keep in mind if you feel guilty for having an extra slice of pie.

Looking for another no-bake dessert? Try my version of No-Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies.


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