These gluten-free ricotta cookies have a delightful tang and a cake-like consistency. They’re delicious as-is, but you can add a little pizazz with grated lemon rind or a chocolate icing. This recipe makes about 3 dozen 2″ diameter cookies.


  • ½ C butter, melted
  • ¾ C ricotta cheese
  • ¾ C white sugar
  • 1 C white rice flour
  • 1 C tapioca flour
  • 1 T baking powder
  • ½ t salt
  • Optional – 1 T lemon zest OR ½ C chocolate chips melted and piped or spread on top
Gluten-free ricotta cookie ingredients.
Flowers from my garden provided some much needed color for this photo.

Mix melted butter and ricotta cheese.  Add sugar and combine.  If desired, add lemon zest. Add remaining dry ingredients all at once.  Mix thoroughly.  Shape dough into one inch balls, put on parchment-lined baking sheet, and press gently to ½” thick rounds.  Bake at 350 degrees for 12 – 14 minutes.

These gluten-free ricotta cookies are delicious with or without the lemon zest. I only opt out of the lemon zest if I don’t have a lemon. In which case, I can be persuaded to do chocolate. All this takes is some melted chocolate chips. You can pipe them or spread them on the top.

Gluten-free ricotta cookies with chocolate icing.
Chocolate is never a bad choice.

I have mixed results with trying to pipe icing or frosting on things… which is why you won’t be seeing today’s attempts.
