Our students have picked one of the smartest animals on earth to promote with their GMAH 2023 Roots and Shoots Project – the crow. Among other things, crows can:
- Make tools
- Remember human faces
- Reason as well as a seven-year-old
While they’re smart, crows and other Corvids – jays, magpies, and ravens – are not endangered. In fact, they thrive in urban areas that are a threat to many other species. So, why pick Corvids as a focus for our project? Why ask our community to “Connect with Corvids”?
Our initial interest in these animals was spurred by their intellect. Further discussion by our students gave them a good reason to learn more about Corvids in the context of their service-learning project.
For the majority of people on the face of the earth, the crow will be the single most oft-encountered native wild animal in their lives.
Lyanda Lynn Haupt, Crow Planet
Our students think that the more connected our community feels to nature, the more they will be willing to care for all aspects of it. Corvids are exceptionally intelligent and easily identifiable birds, making them interesting and highly visible ambassadors for the environment.
Over the next 6 months, we’ll be learning about Corvids and sharing that information with our community.
More soon!

Below is a very short and fun video with a raven. If you have resources or information to share, please send them to Sarah@thehappinesshere.com.
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