Yesterday, my blog was about the importance of routine.  Today, I want to talk about monotony. With coronavirus restrictions in place and our community outings extremely limited, every day is starting to look very similar.  In fact, being the super hilarious mom that I am (my opinion, not my kids), I played the alarm clock scene from the movie Groundhog Day on youtube this morning. Now everyone in the house is complaining because they have the song ‘I got you babe’ stuck in their heads.

What are we doing to combat the monotony?  Nothing too exciting, believe me. But I’ll share them anyway:

Fishing (husband and youngest son)

Birding (middle son)

Building a weight lifting bench (oldest son)

Videotaping my workouts and getting them uploaded (me)

Trying some different dinners (all of us, in part because of grocery issues)

Walking and running (all, but esp my husband and me)

Like I said, nothing big and exciting. 

Get this, though. Tonight, I plan to break out a new jigsaw puzzle! 🙂

Theoretically, this is the perfect time to clean, organize, and get some projects done. I could make a super long to-do list of items and would feel incredibly accomplished if I checked even a portion of them off.  The problem is that they don’t HAVE to be done. And I’m only good for about two days in a row of doing things that don’t have to get done. Case in point – I painted a bedroom last weekend. Since then, I’ve been trying to coerce myself into going up and organizing the attic. So far, it hasn’t happened.

My first suggestion during this difficult time?  Break up the monotony of your similar days with more things that you like doing than things that you should be doing.

And my second suggestion is to try and maintain your sense of humor.

Our kids watched the movie Groundhog Day for the first time in January.  It was great timing for them to ‘get’ the Superbowl Jeep commercial with Bill Murray and then, of course, for my hilarious playing of the alarm clock scene this morning. 

I hope that you all are finding good ways to break up the monotony at your house.  I also hope you don’t have Sonny and Cher stuck in your head singing ‘I Got You Babe’ now.

P.S. The picture at the top is a marmot – Colorado’s version of a groundhog.