Once you’re done working out, it’s time to stretch and relax. And what better way to do it than with a post-workout barefoot stretch and massage?

Your feet do a heck of a lot of work. Whether you’re exercising or simply moving through your day, your feet:

  • Support your body weight.
  • Help you move in different directions.
  • Assist with maintaining your balance.

Your feet work all day long every day. In fact, the average adult walks an average of 75,000 miles in their lifetime. That’s three times around the world! And yet, we often neglect stretching, strengthening, and taking care of our feet.

Take Care of Your Feet

There are two big ways to honor all the work your feet do:

  • Strengthen them so they’re up for all those miles. (See links below for more.)

  • Take care of them with stretching and massage. (Follow along with the video included in this post.)

Post-Workout Barefoot Stretch and Massage

Follow along with this ten-minute video. Please note that it requires good flexibility in your hip – you’ll need to put your ankle up on your opposite knee in sitting. If you can’t comfortably get in this position, find a good friend to do the stretch and massage for you. 🙂

In honor of your hard working feet, try to regularly incorporate a post-workout barefoot stretch and massage into your routine. Your feet will be glad and so will you!

Related Posts:

Foot Prep for Better Balance Work

Dynamic Foot Warmup

45-Minute Barefoot Workout

The information on this website and linked accounts is provided for education only and is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or an assessment by other wellness professionals.