As you gear up for summer, take a moment to gauge your energy level. The end of the school year brings a certain amount of fatigue, no matter how well things went. It’s time to rest. Consider how you might best do this. What do you need to do to recharge for the summer ahead?

This year, I think rest is more important than ever. Most new homeschool parents were thrust into homeschooling with little preparation or support. I’ve recently met several who’ve joined our homeschool group. Their first year was good enough that they’ve decided to stick with homeschooling. But they need rest.

For those of us who homeschooled before Covid, the past year brought tremendous changes. Gone were almost all of our field trips, our volunteer experiences, and our group projects and get-togethers. We persevered with a watered-down version of homeschooling and we made do with Zoom for many of our group activities. It wasn’t the same. We need rest.

How to Rest

None of us define rest in the same manner. Rest can mean doing absolutely nothing, doing less, or just doing different things. You need to determine what works for you. It can require some creative thinking, particularly if you have very young children. Most importantly, I don’t think this rest should involve a lot of planning and preparation. You’re trying to recuperate and gather your energy for the summer ahead, not add more work.

Here’s what I’ve been doing to rest:

  • A weekend of camping.
  • A week off from blogging.
  • Reading (more than normal).
  • Gardening.

I’ve also been trying to get more sleep. And I’ve been slacking on some of the items on my to-do list.

I recently came across this:

A Blessing for the Weary

When responsibility presses down

like the world on Atlas’s shoulders,

may you have the courage to pray

not just for strength to go on but the wisdom to seek rest.

Amelia Richardson Dress The Hopeful Family, Raising Resilient Children in Uncertain Times

Isn’t that a lovely thought? When faced with adversity and fatigue, we usually seek items like courage, strength, and patience. But the wisdom to seek rest? Not something I usually consider.

Think about how you can rest well. Choose what helps you best recharge for the summer ahead.

Take care,