Most likely, you don’t need to do a lot of stretching. But you need to do some on a regular basis to correct any asymmetry and counteract poor postural habits. As you stretch, be sure to include some lateral and rotational stretching, aka side stretches for better function and breathing.

Side Stretches for Function

Flexibility in rotation and side-bending of the trunk allows you to perform better in nearly every sport as well as your day-to-day activities. It’s easy to see how rotation is super important in tennis and golf. But it also keeps your movement fluid and economical in walking and running.

You side bend to pick things up, put things down, and see what’s going on. In fact, just because you have a backup camera in your car doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look behind you (which reguires trunk rotation). Plus, you need quick sneaky rotation to keep up the myth that you have eyes in the back of your head.

Side Stretches Breathing

Lateral and rotational stretching of the trunk will also help stretch the intercostal muscles (the muscles between the ribs), along with the muscles of the chest and back. This stretching allows deeper inhalation and helps you activate your muscles to more fully exhale.

Many people tend to breath very shallowly, only filling the upper lobes of their lungs. With side stretching, you’re more likely to achieve deep, diaphragmatic breathing.

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Stay strong!

You might also be interested in this post:

Stretch and Activate Your Intercostal Muscles for Better Breathing

Note: This post and linked videos are for information only and is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or an assessment by other wellness professionals.