In the rush to get going with our homeschool year, I think it’s easy to overlook a few key ways to start your homeschool year strong. As we go ‘back to homeschool’, most of us take our first day of school pictures, hand our children a pile of new books, and then forge full steam ahead. What might we be missing with this standard approach?
Here are a few thoughts:
- Slow down. Pace yourself. You’ve got another 9 months. Think of the tortoise and the hare – slow and steady…
- Celebrate the simple fact that you’re homeschooling! I have a few ideas listed below for this.
- Recognize your children’s strengths from the very start of your school year. Every child has strengths – by recognizing them, you can help your child feel capable and excited about tackling the year ahead.

Slow Down
You don’t have to do every single subject on the first day. You certainly can. But I find it easier to ramp up our school year. Get going on two to three subjects and then add others in as you build endurance. You might start with the basics of math, writing, and reading. Or you might start with science and history if you feel those will get you off to a good start. Take a look at your school schedule and decide what approach will make your start go well.
For many years, our homeschool group has held a ‘Not Back to School’ day at the lake after public school starts. The beach area is wonderfully empty and we spend the day together on the sand and in the water, stopping only to grill our lunch. It’s a reminder and a celebration that, as homeschoolers, we choose our own path.
In addition to the group celebration, I try to do something special to kick off my family’s first day of homeschooling for the fall. Usually a favorite breakfast with small inexpensive gifts and handmade cards. However you mark the start of your homeschool year, it will foster an awareness in you and your children that you’re all doing something pretty special and amazing – you’re homeschooling.

Have you already started school? It’s not too late for a celebration. Maybe after the first two weeks, you take a morning to watch a movie, create with playdough all afternoon, or have a special family dinner one night.
A child may feel excited and ready to achieve great things. Or they may feel overwhelmed or uninspired by the school year looming ahead. Regardless, recognition from you of their strengths can help them feel more centered and empowered. Key in on the things that make them unique.
You might recognize that they are:
- Organized
- Creative
- Open to new ideas
- Enthusiastic
- Detail-oriented
- Good at seeing ‘the big picture’
- Fun to be around
- Driven
- Easy going
- or countless other adjectives
You get the idea. Every single child has qualities that can easily be framed as strengths. You’ll do yourself and them a favor by recognizing and honoring those strengths to start. Sure, you want them to be able to write legibly. But do they have amazingly creative ideas they’re writing down? Recognize that. You can work on the importance of making those ideas legible as the year progresses.
Set aside some time to talk one on one with each of your children. Or, if you prefer, write a card or letter. As the daughter of a dedicated old-fashioned letter writer, I know the value of handwritten communication from your parents. A text or email just doesn’t carry the same weight.
As you look at your children’s strengths, you will undoubtedly be reminded of their weaknesses. This is the time to revisit the concept of a growth mindset, the idea that intelligence and skill are acquired through effort. This growth mindset will give you and your student the power to learn and achieve great things during the school year ahead.

First though – start your homeschool year strong. Slow down, celebrate, and help your student recognize that they are beginning from a position of strength for the homeschool year ahead.

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