The Butterfly Blueprint
A Green Mountain Area Homeschoolers student-led service learning project.
Project Goal
We want to increase butterfly populations in our community by providing more habitat. Butterflies are important pollinators and a healthy pollinator population helps people, animals, and the environment. We plan to increase pollinator habitat through a mix of educational activities and community outreach.
This project is guided by the framework of the Roots and Shoots program of the Jane Goodall Institute. Since 2014, the students of Green Mountain Area Homeschoolers have created and completed an annual service-learning project through the Jane Goodall Institute to benefit people, animals, and the environment in their community.
Our Youth Leaders
Brennan, Chiara, and Micah are long-time GMAH Roots and Shoots participants and the masterminds behind The Butterfly Blueprint. They are planning and leading our field trips, educational events, and project days.

Our Team
This year, we have over 30 students participating. They range from preschool through high school, and are all commited to making a difference in our community.

Now Our students are currently working on cyanotype prints and other artwork for display at Belmar Library in the spring.
Previous (an overview of what we’ve done so far)
- Planning meetings over the summer by our youth leadership team
- A kickoff event with the homeschool group that included games and learning
- A trip to The Butterfly Pavilion
- Garden tour of butterfly and pollinator friendly plantings in one of most recognized xeric gardens in the metro area, Kendrick Lake Park.
- A student-led project day with butterfly focused art and education.