This was my first success in creating a gluten-free recipe and still one of our most used. The pancake batter contains no sugar – you don’t need any if you’re going to add syrup or any other sweet toppings.  Blueberries, cinnamon, or chocolate chips are wonderful additions to the batter, while real maple syrup and fresh fruit are delicious toppings.

Naked pancake awaiting toppings.

This gluten-free pancake recipe makes about 20 four-inch diameter pancakes. You can easily halve this recipe if desired (see bottom of this post).


  • 4 T natural almond butter
  • 4 T butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 C milk (or almond milk)
  • 1 C white rice flour
  • ½ C sorghum flour
  • ½ C arrowroot flour
  • ½ C almond meal
  • ½ C tapioca flour
  • 2 t baking powder
  • ½ t xanthan gum

Heat butter and almond butter on stovetop or in microwave until butter is melted and almond butter is soft.  Put in large mixing bowl.  Add eggs and milk.  Mix until combined

Mix all dry ingredients in a separate bowl and then add all at once to egg mixture. Use hand or stand mixer and mix on medium speed until fully combined.  

Batter will thicken after a minute or so of mixing.

Two items will affect the consistency of your batter – eggs and almond butter. I use large eggs, but find considerable variation in size and thus the amount of liquid they contribute. Almond butter can also vary in moisture content. If your batter seems thin, add tapioca flour. If too thick, add milk.

Preheat griddle on medium heat and grease as needed.  Make a test pancake to check that your pan is adequately preheated.  If heat is too low, pancakes will be flat.  If heat is too high, pancakes will cook too quickly, leaving a doughy center.

Our favorite?  Sprinkle sliced almonds or granola on the doughy side of the batter after you first pour it on the griddle. When you flip them, the toppings get a nice toasty flavor.

My favorite – toasted almonds and no toppings.


Ingredients for a half batch of gluten-free pancakes (about 10 four-inch diameter pancakes):

  • 2 T natural almond butter
  • 2 T butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 C milk (or almond milk)
  • ½ C white rice flour
  • ¼ C sorghum flour
  • ¼ C arrowroot flour
  • ¼ C almond meal
  • ¼ C tapioca flour
  • 1 t baking powder
  • ¼ t xanthan gum

Follow recipe instructions above.