We can talk all we want about how to homeschool. About the best learning styles, curriculum, philosophies, schedules and more. But the true foundation for successful homeschooling lies deeper. It’s the support system you have in place. For me, it’s primarily my husband.

Although I do the bulk of our homeschooling, I absolutely could not do it without him. I talk with him a lot about what we’re doing, what’s working, and what’s not. I lay out plans for the future as well as plans for the next few hours. He’s a good sounding board and often provides a different perspective. I rely on him for the clarity that’s hard to achieve when I’m so enmeshed in the day-to-day tasks of homeschooling.

Who’s your primary sounding board? It may not be your spouse or partner. It might be a friend or family member.

Take some time to identify who’s helping you. Who’s listening and helping you gain clarity? Who’s helping you maintain that solid foundation for successful homeschooling?

If you’re just getting to know someone who might take on that role – perhaps another homeschooler – get to know them better. Be there for them. Let them know you appreciate them. Ditto if it’s someone you do know well. Like your spouse. 🙂

P.S. Brian and I just celebrated 29 years of marriage. That’s us in the cover photo, taking a morning hike in the foothills on our anniversary.