I know you’ve been wondering. In fact, it’s probably been keeping you awake at night. Well, here it is. Here’s what I do Tue/Thu mornings. (I’m telling you so you can get a good night’s sleep and then get out of bed and join me.)

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 6 a.m. MT, I teach fitness for 40 minutes on Zoom. Over the past year, I’ve reworked my classes and absolutely love how they’ve evolved.

On Tuesdays, we go barefoot and work on alignment with a series of squats, lunges, and more.  Each session includes core exercises with an emphasis on balance.

Thursdays are another comprehensive workout that incorporates free weights and bodyweight exercises to work every major muscle group in your body.

My workouts are easy to follow so you can develop strength, balance, and flexibility. But I do change our focus regularly. Last week, we worked on hip stability and this week we keyed in on the transverse abdominal muscles.

Each week, I also write a fitness blog post to give you a deeper understanding of what we’re covering in class. Think of all this as a workout/education/personal training combo that’s appropriate for all fitness levels.

What else? Oh, the people. They are good people! If you have time, we always chat a little before we start at 6 (on the dot) and then after we end (at 6:40).

Here’s a 30-second sampler (of the class, not our before and after class chats):

Ready to sign up? Click here.

If you’d like to try a week for free or have any questions, just email me at sarah@thehappinesshere.com.

Want to learn more about fitness with me? Head on over to my Youtube channel and subscribe.