Foot strengthening can be done at any point in your day to increase your balance, strength, and proprioception. I do it at the beginning of my Barefoot Cardio classes but I also might slide some foot strengthening in when I’m taking a break during a hike or even standing in the checkout line at the grocery store. You don’t need to do a lot of foot work, just enough to wake up your feet and encourage better performance from them.
The foot strengthening video below is best done barefoot but it can also be done with your shoes on.
Foot work can improve how well you move, whether you see yourself as an athlete or not.
“Everyone is an athlete. The only difference is, some of us are in training and some are not.”
George Sheehan
I talked more about the benefits of viewing yourself as an athlete in this post. When you think of yourself as an athlete, I think it’s easy to add in some small workouts like this that enhance your overall performance.
Stay fit!

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