Each year, Green Mountain Area Homeschoolers work together on a service-learning project through the Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots and Shoots program. Our students choose their project, learn, and then share knowledge and opportunities to help in our community.
With “Root for Trees”, our students promoted tree awareness and conservation through various learning and community outreach activities.
Check out the winners of our Root for Trees photo contest HERE.
Below: Student-led video tutorials on tree crafts, our Tree Inventory Project, and more.
Stick Stars from Josie’s class:
Drawings from Micah’s class:
Colorado Tree Inventory
Our Goal: Add 500 trees
Current Count: 593 trees
Enter data in this inventory and mapping tool which shows the location, species, and condition of the trees that make up Colorado’s urban forests.
Although very young students will need some assistance, this is a perfect opportunity for all ages to learn about the trees in our community.