This is such a fun and easy craft! Although it sounds like it’s for younger kids, older kids (and adults) enjoy it too. Here’s our homeschool art with bubble prints, along with a supply list, directions, and a video tutorial to get you going.


  • Plastic containers
  • Dish soap
  • Food coloring
  • Plastic straws
  • White card stock

The plastic containers I used were 16 oz. In each container, I put about 8 oz. water, 1 T dish soap, and 1 t food coloring. Adjust the amount of soap and food coloring based on the brands you use to get your desired bubbles and color intensity.

Use a straw to mix the soap, water, and food coloring. Put the straw into the liquid and blow bubbles.

Two Ways to Make Prints

  1. Gently lay the paper over the bubbles. You can repeat this multiple times to increase the intensity of the color.
  2. Drag the bubbles onto the paper and watch them pop.

Use as many different colors as you like. You can layer them as well.

This project was part of our homeschool art day. Each August, I host this event in my backyard for Green Mountain Area Homeschoolers. I make instructional videos ahead of time and post them on Youtube so the students can start creating (and socializing) as soon as they arrive.

You can access instructional videos from the past several years on my homeschool art playlist on Youtube. Every year, the students complete four different projects centered around a common theme.

This year’s theme is the Classical Elements of Ancient Greece – fire, water, earth, and air. The bubble prints represent air. We’ll be exhibiting our students’ work at our local library from mid-August through the month of September. (Belmar Library in Lakewood, CO if you happen to live in our area.)

A plastic tablecloth is great if you have overachieving bubble blowers.
Another overachiever in the bubble-blowing department.

I hope you’ll try this craft. It’s low-key and can actually feel rather meditative and relaxing, particularly if you use the second print technique and watch the bubbles pop.