Green Mountain Pilates Membership

join our community

Discover improved function, performance, and well-being in the company of good people.

What Our Members Say

I have participated in Sarah’s classes for years.  Not only is she a competent, skilled instructor–very personable–but she has mastered teaching online as well as in person. Her fitness program covers all aspects of physical health from balance to weight training to posture to flexibility.

— Bobbi S.

I am addicted to your exercise classes. I am a much happier, better person when I get to do them! 

— Nancy B.

Sarah has helped me deal with lower back, hamstring, hip flexor and core issues. I also now realize I can benefit from the balance exercises. I am sure my issues stem from many years of bicycling. However, my one consolation – never too late. Thank you!!

— Tom M.

We enjoy these classes very much. They’re well instructed and have a nice variety of exercises. We’re very satisfied.

— Joan and Joey G.

green mountain pilates

What we do…

Our program is built on consistency. Because fitness isn’t a 30-day undertaking. It’s a lifelong commitment to wellness.

We make this commitment a whole lot easier with smart workouts and good people.

SMART WORKOUTS: While we consistently use the principles of Pilates and barefoot strengthening, our focus is always changing. Every week, I keep things fresh by highlighting a different muscle group, movement pattern, or technique.

GOOD PEOPLE: When you join Green Mountain Pilates, you become part of our community. If you have time to visit before or after class, you might meet someone’s dog, get a garden tour, or even get a glimpse of the sunrise in a different state.

— membership

Join our community…

We meet every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 6 a.m. MT for a 40-minute workout. Just roll out of bed and join us remotely. No equipment needed on Tuesdays. And just some free weights (dumb bells) on Thursday.

Need a different time slot? Simply access the class recordings in our library of more than 200 workouts. New classes added each week.


On-Demand Membership

workouts to fit your busy schedule

Full access to our library of more than 200 Pilates-based workouts, with new classes added each week.

$15/month or $160/year


Premium Membership

Start your day with us on tuesdays and thursdays

While our fitness focus changes weekly, you can always count on a fun and welcoming group. Premium membership includes full access to our workout library of more than 200 classes.

$40/month or $430/year


Please let me know if you have any

questions about membership.

About me…

As a fitness instructor since 1984 and a physical therapist since 1995, I advocate for lifelong fitness through smart workouts, community, and a whole lot of outdoor time.

I enjoy helping people achieve consistency, knowledge, and improved function, no matter where they are in their fitness journey – starting out, starting over, or just looking for a better way to get and stay fit.

What you can expect in my workouts:

  • Education on what muscles you’re working and why.
  • Modifications to increase or decrease the intensity and challenge.
  • Exercises that encourage balanced strength between opposing muscle groups for improved function, posture, balance, and performance.

Intro to Pilates Reformer Training

I’ve recently added Pilates Reformer classes at the Southwest Denver YMCA to my teaching schedule. Check out my video below for an intro to Pilates Reformer Training and come visit me if you have a chance.

As always, you’re also welcome to join me on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for Pilates-inspired remote fitness classes from my home studio. Click here for more info.

Hope to see you soon!

Use This Pilates Technique for Shoulder Health

No matter how strong you are, your shoulders are delicate pieces of machinery. They’re incredibly mobile, and with that mobility comes an increased potential for muscle and joint strain and injury. Whether you walk, run, lift weights, or do group fitness, you can use this Pilates technique for shoulder health, function, and breathing.

The Technique

You might be familiar with the phrase ‘lengthen through the spine’. This cue brings you up taller and sets you up for better posture and function. A less frequently used cue – widen through the shoulders – fine tunes the shoulders to an ideal position for function. It’s a quick way for you to instinctively cue more than a dozen muscles.

Width through the Shoulders

To open through the shoulders, think of increasing the space in your chest and trunk for your lungs to expand for optimal breathing. The simple cue – open or widen through the shoulders – can help us:

  • Relax the muscles of the neck and upper shoulders, particularly the upper traps
  • Relax the muscles on the front of the shoulders, especially the pecs
  • Activate the lower traps and upper back extensors
  • Activate the abdominal muscles

Try this out and see how you can apply it to some common exercises:

How It Works in Real Life

In real life, we don’t constantly maintain upright posture. When we exercise, we also round forward, extend, and rotate. Throughout our day, we reach and bend and change position to get things done. And yes, we slouch. (But we try not to do that.)

To function properly, we need to move the shoulders in and out of that neutral and open ‘home base’ position with control. We need to give the shoulder a chance to work well. And we need to maintain length and width and space for breathing with movement.

Spend some time practicing. Use this Pilates technique for shoulder health and better breathing. Over time, it will become second nature.

Stay fit!

Related Posts:

Pilates Inspired Core Work

What Exact Movement Lengthens the Spine?

Pilates Inspired Core Work

You probably do Pilates moves in your workout, whether you call them that or not. Pilates has infiltrated nearly all types of exercise programs over the past 20 years. Here’s how (with a video tutorial) to get the most out of your Pilates inspired core work.

Pilates work includes common moves like planks, pushups, crunches, and bridges. All of these engage your core muscles, a key component of Pilates.

Pilates also has the added challenge of maintaining length through the spine. Focus on this and you’ll take your workout up a notch.

Why Work on Length Through the Spine?

Gravity pushes down on us all day long. This, combined with any poor postural habits, compresses and stresses the spine.

When we ‘lengthen through the spine’, we use a combination of muscles throughout our body to reverse the effects of gravity and poor posture. We seek to decrease the compression at the intervertebral spaces in our spine and free up our movement.

At its simplest, lengthening through the spine is what you do when you stand up tall.

In this video, I take you through lengthening the spine and then maintaining it with four common examples of Pilates inspired core work.

This sequence of steps to lengthen through the spine and activate you postural muscles will help you perform better quality movement as you do your core work. Once you get in the habit of lengthening, you’ll notice it simply feels better to move this way. And you’ll see it translate to gains in functional strength and fitness.

Stay fit!

Related posts:

Core in Four – Stabilization Exercises

Three Moves for Core Strength

Green Mountain Pilates

Do you want to improve your fitness level, recover from an injury, or relieve chronic pain? I offer fitness education and workouts with a strong emphasis on Pilates and barefoot strengthening for improved wellness and performance. As a fitness instructor since 1983 and physical therapist since 1995, I advocate for lifelong fitness through smart workouts and a whole lot of outdoor time.

Click on the buttons below to learn more about how we can work together.

Improve your fitness, strength, and alignment with live and on-demand classes.
Take advantage of 1:1 training tailored to you and your goals.
Experience a unique blend of creative & physical learning & expression.

Most recent blog posts below. Click on button above for more.

Green Mountain Pilates Membership

Read below for more about my live weekly classes on Zoom. Also available for on-demand viewing.

Green Mountain Pilates Monthly

Green Mountain Pilates Annual

Green Mountain Pilates On-Demand

Live for Premium Members: Tue 6:00 a.m. MT Barefoot Pilates

  • Class starts at 6 a.m. and ends at 6:40.
  • No equipment needed.
  • 40 minutes designed to work on alignment with a series of squats, lunges, core, and balance work for improved performance in all that you do.  Focus of class changes each week.

Live for Premium Members: Thu 6:00 a.m. MT Free Weights

  • Class starts at 6 a.m. and ends at 6:40.
  • Your choice of dumbbells. I suggest a lighter set and a heavier set. I’m happy to provide guidance on weight selection.
  • A 40-minute comprehensive workout incorporating free weights and bodyweight exercises with Pilates principles to work every major muscle group in your body. Focus of class changes each week.

On-Demand Workouts

Our live classes are recorded and added to the on-demand library each week. Available with both premium and basic memberships, the videos allow you to get a workout in when it’s convenient for you. Each class title includes the specific focus for that class – e.g. abs, shoulders, hamstrings, etc. The library currently contains more than 100 classes to choose from.

Green Mountain Custom Membership

Are you a homeschool parent interested in fitness? Or, maybe you want to work out and learn more about homeschooling. Either way, you’re in the right place.

Fill out the contact form below and let me know what you’d like. You’ll get a ‘just for you’ membership with great discounts.

Please note that this is the ONLY way to access membership in BOTH the homeschool and pilates programs.

Thanks for you interest and I look forward to hearing from you!

GMAH Premium Membership Plans

Welcome to Green Mountain Area Homeschoolers!

GMAH Premium Membership - Monthly

For first access and savings to all GMAH offerings.

Cancellation: You may opt out of your Premium Membership at any time. Access to benefits will continue through the end of the current month.

Discounts of up to 20% for dual membership in Green Mountain Area Homeschoolers and Green Mountain Pilates.


our community is filled with…

People just like you. People who

want to learn & grow together.

We support homeschool families with newborns through high schoolers and active adults of all fitness levels.

I’ve been homeschooling since 2008 and have six decades combined experience as a physical therapist and fitness instructor. I love to learn and find creative ways to share it all with the homeschool and fitness communities I’ve created.

Green Mountain Area Homeschoolers

An innovative homeschool support group.

Green Mountain Pilates

Live and on-demand Pilates-based fitness.

Four Exercises for Low Back and Inner Core Strength

Ever hear of the multifidus muscle? It’s one of our four deepest core muscles, which include the diaphragm, the transverse abdominals, and the pelvic floor. While weakness of the multifidus is associated with low back pain, strengthening it can keep your back healthy and improve function and performance. Below are four exercises for low back and inner core strength that target the multifidus.

First though, here’s a look at what the multifidus does and where it’s located.

What the Multifidus Does

The multifidus helps the trunk stabilize, side bend, and extend. It also plays a critical role during rotation of the trunk. When we contract our abdominal obliques to rotate, simultaneous contraction of the multifidus keeps us upright. If we only contract the obliques, we flex forward as we rotate. To stay upright and rotate, we need to multifidus to assist.

Teamwork between the abdominal obliques and the multifidus allows us to:

  • Rotate without flexing (axial rotation)
  • Resist rotation for stabilization

Location of the Multifidus

The multifidus runs from the cervical spine down to the sacrum. It is composed of smaller, triangular shaped muscles called multifidi that span two to four vertebral segments.

The multifidus are most prominent in the low back and play a key role here. People with low back pain usually have weak multifidi – whether they’re the cause of low back pain or the effect is unclear. Regardless, targeted strengthening will promote back health along with core strength.

Here are four ways to strengthen the multifidi as you do your core work:

Stay fit!

Related posts:

Pilates Inspired Core Work

Activate Your Pelvic Floor Muscles with Squats